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Original Sinclair QL boxed Microdrive cartridge.

Title: War in the East

Estimated Rarity (1 - 10): 9

Publisher/Author: Sharps Inc (USA)/Mark Stueber

Original Media Name: WAR_EAST (main cart), SCEN 1-3 (scenarios)

Notes: Missing the original manual, fortunately I was able to get a copy in PDF from, which is essential as it's very complex game... just look at the number of files on the cartridges! Also of note is that there is a routine that detects the ROM version so that it knows the difference  between the US QL ROM (JSU) and the UK ROM (JM at the time) and then it loads the correct scenario file to take into account the different screen sizes.  

Visible Files on Media:

Main cart: BOOT2 (32,362 bytes), BOOT (138 bytes), BOOT6 (7,460 bytes), FT15 (2,306 bytes), FT16 (2,306 bytes), font1 (28 bytes), FONT2 (28 bytes), FONT3 (28 bytes), A1 (12 bytes), AA1 (68 bytes), ROM (108 bytes), A16 (1,404 bytes), B3 (1,132 bytes), FT3 (28 bytes), FONT15 (2,308 bytes), FONT16 (2,306 bytes), boot3_scen1 (3,632 bytes), boot3_scen2 (3,679 bytes), boot3_scen3 (3,912 bytes).

Scenario cart: map4jm_scen1 (10,400 bytes), map4_scen1 (10,400 bytes), map4jm_scen2 (10,400 bytes), map4_scen2 (10,400 bytes), map4jm_scen3 (10,400 bytes), map4_scen3 (10,400 bytes).

Media/packaging images:


Page on QL Wiki: https://qlwiki.qlforum.co.uk/doku.php?id=qlwiki:war_in_the_east

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